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"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." - John Ruskin

Saturday 12 October 2024


In May, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall and 18 of his Republican colleagues launched their bid to block lawsuits that several Democrat-led states including California have brought against energy giants for deceiving the public while fueling the global climate emergency. Multiple U.S. municipalities have filed similar suits against Big Oil.

Although justices have rejected the oil and gas industry’s efforts to shift those suits from state to federal court, six of them are right-wingers with a record of anti-environment rulings. A spokesperson for Marshall told Reuters that the new request of Prelogar is “an encouraging sign that the justices are taking seriously the complaint of 19 states.”

Meanwhile, Richard Wiles, president of the Center for Climate Integrity (CCI), took aim at the Alabama-led case, saying in a statement that “this meritless, politically driven request is an obvious attempt to shield fossil fuel companies from facing accountability for their climate lies and the monumental damage they’re causing.”

“It should be a no-brainer for the solicitor general to oppose this petition and for the Supreme Court to reject it,” he added. “Communities deserve their day in court to hold Big Oil accountable.”

Wiles responded similarly in June, when the Supreme Court asked Prelogar to weigh in on a case brought by the City and County of Honolulu.

Alyssa Johl, CCI’s vice president of legal and general counsel, said at the time that “lawsuits like Honolulu’s are not seeking to solve climate change or regulate emissions—these plaintiffs simply want Big Oil to stop lying and pay their fair share of the damages they knowingly caused. The solicitor general should make clear that federal laws do not preempt the ability of communities to hold companies accountable for their deceptive claims under state law.” More of this article (green queen) - link - more like this (Biden) - link - more like this (fossil fuels) - link

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