born at 321.89 PPM CO2

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." - John Ruskin

Saturday, 22 March 2025


One of France's first commercial-scale tidal energy pilot projects, NH1 is due to supply thousands of locals with clean electricity.

A tidal farm featuring the world’s most powerful underwater turbines is being built off the coast of Normandy after winning EU funding. The NH1 tidal project from Normandie Hydroliennes will use four turbines to turn the Raz Blanchard tidal flow - Europe’s strongest tidal stream - into a source of renewable energy.

It is one of dozens of decarbonisation projects that have received a total €4.8 billion in the EU’s Innovation Fund’s latest round of grants. This coffer for clean technologies is filled by revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), which requires polluters to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions.

“Being selected by the Innovation Fund is a major recognition of our work and the impact that our technological system, the innovative Proteus AR3000 horizontal axis turbine, can have on decarbonisation and the energy mix,” says Katia Gautier, director of Normandie Hydroliennes (NH). The Channel sea current of Raz Blanchard is one of the most powerful in the world, NH states. With a development potential of around 5 to 6 gigawatts (GW), it could produce 15 to 18 terawatt hours (TWh), supplying electricity to 8 million people.

Currently under construction in the port town of Cherbourg, the underwater turbines will have a rotor diameter of 24 metres and a capacity of 3 megawatts (MW) each. This 12MW foursome will supply 34 GWh of energy a year - enough to meet the needs of 15,000 local residents. More of this article (Euro News) - link - more like this (tidal turbines) - link - more like this (France) - link - more link this (random) - link

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